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Archive for August 2016

Fall Minis Coming Soon!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hey you guys! It's that time! Fall is my favorite and it's just around the corner. I'm such a fall nerd, my kid already has one of her Halloween costumes. We usually do two. Because I can never just pick one. And she loves that about me. (me too).

So, along with apple picking (we love Marker Miller and Great Country Farm), and Cox Farm Fall Fest as many times as I possibly can (31 days till preview weekend), and leaf collecting, and acorn collecting and sweater wearing... I also do lots of picture taking. Lots, and lots. Last fall nearly killed me. I don't know if it was a fluke, or beginners luck or what, but I was double booked with two families most Saturdays and Sundays and had something every weekend until AFTER Christmas, people. I don't even know that many humans.

I am so happy about this. I mean, I'm super flattered. And also dead. I'm still dead from that. Mostly because I have a hard time saying no. I do have a great friend and neighbor who promises to teach me how to do that when she gets back from Maine in a few weeks. I'm going over there and we're going to drink wine and say NO to each other. I'll try to video it. Very promising.

So, for self preservation, and based on tons of feedback I've gotten, I am happy to tell you that I will be offering fall minis this year!

Fall minis will be on specific dates, they will be about a half an hour long and they will be $75. You will receive 7 - 10 high resolution images within 2 weeks of your shoot.They will be at the Manassas Battlefield. These are perfect for holiday cards and gifts. Here are the dates and times I will hold minis:

Friday, September 23

6:00 pm
6:30 pm

Saturday, October 8

5:15 pm
5:45 pm

Friday, October 14

4:15 pm
4:45 pm
5:15 pm
5:45 pm

Friday, October 28

4:15  pm
4:45 pm

Email me with your first, second and third choices. I will message you back with your secured date and time. Check out a few from last fall, done at the battlefield. 

Thanks for looking!


Baby's First Photoshoot: A Family I Love

Sunday, August 7, 2016

I'm super behind ya'll but that's the new normal. The summer has literally zoomed by and here we are in the last days. Not of warmth, I think we'll have another two months of heat, but definitely the last days of true summer. I'm depressed.

I think we'll try to squeeze in one more long weekend at Rehoboth before we call it. I'll post some of my tips for taking pictures of your family on the beach by uh, Christmas. That'll be handy then.

In the meantime, this blog is dedicated to a family I shot back in the early spring, when the sun was going down LOTS earlier than it does now. And when the little hands and feet I photographed were FREEZING cold because the rays of that cool early spring sun were just barely out of reach. 

We were celebrating Emmett's 1st birthday, which technically, had happened a few weeks before. In the cold and snow. But we also took a few snaps of the McCrory's, a family I'm just crazy about. 

Jules is in the same class as Liv in preschool, and we've known her since before she could talk. I think. She's a smart kid, she may have been talking already. One of my favorite things Julia used to do when I would drop off or pick up Olivia, was to somehow obtain my car keys. And then she would only push the button that remotely opened my tailgate. I was of course unaware until I was driving down the road and hearing the RUSH of air from a completely open back end. Liv thought it was pretty funny, too. Every single time. You would think I'd have started checking. Nope. I'm just that much of a mess. Trust me.

These guys were troopers! Even as the temps were dropping, they hung in with me (bribed of course by cupcakes).

The eyes on these kids! Adorable! Wow!

This one reminds me of that movie Almost Famous. What a fun day. I can't wait to see these faces again soon.

Thanks for looking!
