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Archive for December 2015

Malarkey, Party of 12

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Today is December 31st. From here, right at this very moment, the month of December has seemed impossibly long. It of course went by in a flash, but when I look over the sessions, the trips, the holidays... it just doesn't seem possible. How did all of this happen in my life in just 31 days? Part of that has to do with a magical place that shall be named later in another blog post.

Earlier this month or what seems like months ago, I had the pleasure of doing a family photo session for the Malarkey family. The only time this family could all get together in one frame was at 10 in the morning. If you know things about outdoor photography, that really isn't the best time to shoot, no matter what time of year. The light is hard. On me and you. Editing is a bit of a bear. But we were in a bind, I'm super new and a bit of donk, so I did it anyway.

I'm so glad that I did. This group was hilarious. They have what I call fantastic family flavor. Not all families have this. Trust me. They blended very well with each other. They rolled with the punches, and by punches, I mean deer poop. Lots of it on the battlefield. They had great ideas, and they were fun to be around. I loved every minute of it! Look at that face! 

Family Photo

Funny story. I'm the one holding the camera, you know, the one who is paying attention. About half way through the session, I proclaim these two twins, which of course they are. So, hire me, Captain Observant, for your next photo session!

Thanks for looking! Happy New Year!


The Rush Family & the Korhnak Family

Sunday, December 27, 2015

I have these great neighbors. Sure, you probably think yours are pretty cool, too. But mine are better. So much better in fact, that when we first moved here in 2011, I won't lie, I was concerned. I was early pregnant at the time, and mortally tired. I had never lived anywhere in northern VA where people on the same street actually spoke to one another, let alone knew each other's first names. I'm native, by the way (Franklin Farm, Greenbriar, Fair Lakes, Centreville, Arlington, Haymarket, South Riding.) More: These people know their neighbor's kid's names, and who their best friends are. They know each other's kid's teachers and their after-school schedules. These people aren't just neighbors. Many are life-long friends. So bizzare, guys.

Beyond that, they cook for you when you're sick, or having a baby. Seriously, they show up with hot amazing food for you. At Christmas, cookies and gifts appear on your doorstep. They text message you on facebook when you accidentally leave your door wide open and your dogs escape and are running through the streets, and THEN they dog-hunt in groups to obtain and return the runaways. They host block parties for all the kids. They rent fifty foot water slides. I'm not kidding. These are some genuinely good people. And this is some in your face surburbia that I was not at all prepared for. I still can't keep up and I feel like I'm far better acquainted with these saints today than ever.

Sure, having Olivia, and then having her bond with the neighborhood kids definitely paved the way for me to get to know these guys better. I know who Benny belongs to, and Audrey and Gage, Ceci and Duncan, and I know the Gavins and the Clavellis have 100 children, at least, the younger ones are recognizable to me. But truly I got to know so many more families when I started taking pictures. It has really been the thing that helped me get to know the amazing group of people on my streets.

Part of this is because I struggle with small talk. I'm quite incapable of it, really. It goes against my nature to pretend to be or be feeling, anything small. I get that is awkward, so, I tend to shy away from social settings because when people ask me how I'm doing or how Olivia is, I tell them. She's a terrorist and I am drinking my way through it. How do you like staying home with Olivia? (see answer above). How do you like being back at work? I'm managing because, guilt. Right? So you see how it goes. When you're not best friends with someone, my responses seem, ok, they seem insane. I get that.

But when I have a camera around my neck, suddenly, I can disappear. I shift the focus to someone else. I can answer questions about taking pictures that won't shock anyone or set me apart from them. I can hardly offend anyone with my response that it's a Nikon D610. (well, most anyone.) And I love it here.

It's kind of my way of saying, hey, I like you, in a way that I could probably never communicate superficially. And I'd love to give something back. Something I think you'll actually like and treasure. There were some neighbors I'd planned to have sessions with, but schedules, the weather - it didn't work out. I really hope to see those faces in the spring. The short of this (which turned into something incredibly long) is that when I was approached by two of my neighbors for a quick Christmas card photo in November, I jumped at the chance. 

Family Photo


Family photo

Family Photo

Family Picture

Family Photo

Family Picture

Family Photo

Isn't that dog something? She jumps higher than anything I've ever seen. I don't see how they can put food on their counters. So, I apologize for the delay on posting, but this evening, I'm happy to present The Rush and the Korhnak families, respectively. I hope beyond all, that I get the chance to do this for them again.

Thanks for looking!


The Gray Girls - A Photo Session

Thursday, December 17, 2015

I may have mentioned before that I'm way, way behind. Disney + Holidays crushed my schedule. I'm leaving in three minutes for the Winter Concert at Liv's school. Right. So!

family photos
A few WEEKS ago, when the fields were still golden, I had the pleasure of a session with these two adorable children. They were amazing. Even the baby. Which is saying a lot. 

Family Photos
sibling photo
Perhaps the only thing more amazing then the behavior of these children, was the weather. I heart El Nino! We were extremely fortunate on this date.

Gray Family photos

Gray Family Photo
These were shot at the Manassas Battlefield, a spot my Uncle Scott used to take me when I was in elementary school. I hated it then. I wish I could tell him how often I go now. He'd probably never believe it.

Anyway, this spot is beautiful in the fall. I highly recommend a walk around the place. Head up and park in the visitor's center and walk around the back of the building. Even this late in season. Just go. And take your camera.

Family Photos
Thanks for looking!


Photos with Santa

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Olivia with Santa

Happy holidays! I'm not going to pretend I'm having fun yet. The fun comes on Christmas morning when I get to watch Oblivia open up all of my hard work. Until then it's later than average nights and a to-do list a mile long. 

Just a quick story to help put things in perspective. About 25 minutes before I took these pictures, I had a very bad argument. With my printer. In front of my 3 year old, and my husband. It surely wasn't my weakest moment as a parent, but it was up there, complete with expletives and physical violence toward the machinery. And a very stern mandate for everyone to clear the room. Which of course, had to be repeated because: family. I told you. Not my finest moment, but what. I'm Mother Theresa? 

Olivia with Santa

I needed to print something that I had to get into the mailbox before the mail carrier came. That had to happen before we left for Santa. The clock was ticking. I had spent the entire day on the site, on the phone with various representatives ahead of the December 15th cut off. The child was half dressed and grabbing a box of thumbtacks. My husband was in earshot but non-responsive. The card stock wouldn't load. For 12 times. I unloaded on the printer. It happened. And when it did, Liv took the opportunity as a teachable moment. For me. I'm pretty sure both my husband and my toddler called me a baby. Fine, call it how you see it.

The real santa

But then she took it a step further. Instead of telling Santa all about what she was hoping for this Christmas, these photos are a recounting of her mother's meltdown. Blow by ever-loving blow. 

Photos with Santa

So there you have it, folks. Merry Christmas, and happy parenting. From yours truly, and HP Officejet, have a safe and fantastic holiday season.