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Orson Street Pictures

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hi and welcome to my blog. I have no idea what this will eventually be, but for today, it's going to mostly be home to my pictures. 

A year and a half ago my husband bought me a camera for Mother's Day. A couple of months ago, some of my friends and neighbors began asking me if I would be willing to take pictures of their kids, family, etc., for holiday cards or special events, that sort of thing. I love doing it, so I happily oblige. The idea today is that I will enthusiastically take your picture for next to nothing because I am still learning how all of this works. And by this, I mean... all of this. Everything. Blogging. Taking pictures for actual money. Deciding to do any of this at 39 years old while working part time and trying to keep a three year old alive.

Obviously I continue to overestimate my own abilities as a human being that requires sleep and a real paycheck. But as they say, someday isn't a day of the week, and I am getting to that age when it's common for me to sort of break out into a sweat because I haven't done the thing yet. You know the thing you were always meant to do? I'm not even sure this is the thing. But.To the point, moments come frequently these days reminding me that I'm more than half way through this crazy, beautiful life. I'm going to do what I want. Too many people told me that I had missed my calling. I don't believe you can miss your calling. You miss what you don't try. This is not going to be missed. I'm doing this. And probably one or two more cool things later, if I can get my kid into Kindergarten.

I've been practicing on everyone I can snag walking down the street. I have some very gracious neighbors who have lent me their offspring for an hour before sunset. I have a bunch of shoots scheduled over the next month. I'm suddenly one busy chick. So here is where I will share my pictures, and undoubtedly, my life. If you're interested in finding out more, drop me a line or leave a comment. Thanks for looking.

Meet Ceci. She's my neighbor and she's lovely. 

Abby was equally gracious. 

In October I was lucky enough to capture two homecomings! 

Adam had some fun showing me some skate tricks while I hyperventilated and took the lord's name 100 times.

Halloween 2015 

And finally, for now, you will definitely see dogs on this blog. 

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